The report done in partnership with NITI Aayog aims to propel India toward achieving the target of merchandise exports valued over US$ 1 Trillion by harnessing its diverse strengths, fostering regional competitiveness, and positioning itself as a key player in the global south export market.

The framework for third edition has incorporated new and revised indicators, with a focus on districts. It introduces new district-level parameters to capture the evolving export landscape. The index is divided into four dynamic pillars and sub- pillars, providing a detailed assessment of each state’s export preparedness. The performance analysis at the country, pillar, and sub-pillar levels identifies strengths and areas for improvement, serving as a valuable tool for states to identify areas to improve their export preparedness. The report also provides detailed state profiles of select states, and scorecards which can be helpful for states and UTs to assess their strengths and weaknesses in terms of export preparedness relative to their peers.

Based on the findings, the report offers key recommendations to drive policy action at sub national level, which can help further strengthen India’s position as an export powerhouse. The recommendations highlight the importance of leveraging India’s diversity, and encouraging innovation and productivity enhancements. The report also emphasizes the need for continued evaluation and inclusion of indicators to ensure the index’s relevance in capturing the evolving export landscape.

The report can also be accessed at


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