Presentation on Competitiveness Roadmap for India@100
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Message by Shri. Amitabh Kant
amitkapoor, , India@100, 0
The growth journey that India has traversed over the last seven decades has not been simply fortuitous. It is...
Create more competitive jobs to drive the Indian economy ahead
amitkapoor, , Articles, Articles, India@100, 0
Manufacturing has been the backbone of many economies. India has, for the longest time, pondered over ways to ramp...
Making India Competitive
amitkapoor, , Articles, Articles, India@100, 0
Growth should be sustainable and equitable The ‘Competitiveness Road Map for India@100’, jointly brought out by the Economic Advisory...
Competitive Jobs and a Developmental Pathway
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Articles, India@100, 0
Several economies have been built on the manufacturing sector. Many economies are driven solely on the basis of their...
India, Clusters and the Case for Uniform Growth
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Articles, India@100, 0
India, Clusters and the Case for Uniform Growth One of the major issues in policy has always been what...
Use a clear compass to navigate our challenges and opportunities
amitkapoor, , Articles, Articles, India@100, 0
India and the World: Navigating through Challenges and Opportunities The human urge to be able to predict everything ahead...
Where Does India’s Competitiveness Challenge Lie?
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Articles, competitiveness, India@100, 0
The secret is to comprehend where they are required and where resource allocation in an economy is best served...
Learning to understand India with different eyes
amitkapoor, , India@100, 0
By Christian H M Ketels, Principal Associate, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness Learning to understand India with different eyes ...