
Program Objectives

Why do some companies perform better than others regarding the choice of locations or geographies for global expansion? What should be the basis of choosing a location or geography for the globalization of production or markets? Why have some countries a competitive advantage over others regarding particular product or service offering? What should be the basis of creating and sustaining an economic strategy for a nation or a region?

These are some of the questions faced by the nations, governments, institutions and organizations operating in the global competitive landscape. The successful countries, governments, and global institutions need to focus on policies and competencies for enhancing wealth creation at national level besides aiming for sound macroeconomic policies, stable legal and political systems, and the accumulation of factors of production.

The program evaluates competitiveness and economic development from the lens of microeconomic perspective. This program focuses on the key determinants of a nation’s or region’s productivity regarding strategies and operating practices of local firms, vitality of clusters, and quality of the operating business environment.

The program covers both developing and advanced economies and examines the competitiveness at the national level, sub-national level (state, city), and cluster level. The main highlight of this program lies in thinking beyond the role of government in driving competitiveness and economic prosperity across national and sub-national levels. How to bring together the key stakeholders including organizations, industry associations, institutions (academic and public), and NGOs in enhancing the national or regional competitiveness?


The curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation in industry competition and competitive strategy. The participants will gain unique insights into the policies and competencies of nations leading to wealth creation as well as the global competitive advantage.  The pedagogy involves a combination of case method along with readings, lectures, and videos. The case studies are selected from Harvard Publishing and Ivey Publishing. Case studies include Intel, Volvo, Singapore, New York City among others.

Key topics include:

Firms, Industries and Cross-Border Competition

Locations and Clusters

Policy for Nations and Regions

Attracting Foreign Investments

Economic Development of Cities

Organizing for Competitiveness

Participant Mix

This program is designed for senior and mid-level executives from corporate, bureaucrats, government institutions, and embassies.

Why Institute for Competitiveness?

Institute for Competitiveness, India is the Indian knot in the global network of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. Institute for Competitiveness, India is an international initiative centred in India, dedicated to enlarging and purposeful disseminating of the body of research and knowledge on competition and strategy, as pioneered over the last 25 years by Professor Michael Porter of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. The institute conducts and supports indigenous research, offers academic and executive courses, and provides advisory services to the Corporate and the Governments. The institute studies competition and its implications for company strategy; the competitiveness of nations, regions & cities and thus generate guidelines for businesses and those in governance; and suggests and provides solutions for socio-economic problems.

The Benefits & Delivery

The participants will gain new perspectives, insights, and strategic skills towards managing healthcare delivery.

Case based pedagogy is extensively within the program. The case-mix for this program has been carefully selected from Harvard and Ivey. These cases provide diverse perspectives and learning experience from the global companies.

Global Insights integrate the best practices regarding understanding the industry dynamics, trends and transformations. Case discussions and analysis on game changing organisations will enable the participants to gain new perspectives on  industry shifts and competitive advantage.

Peer Networking and Knowledge Sharing during the program will enable the participants to exchange their perspectives and experiences as well as become a part of the competitiveness network.


Diverse mix of instructors from academics and industry. Industry practitioners include those having leadership experience at the top management positions across the enterprises in India and globally. Academic instructors include those having active interaction and association with shared value enterprises besides having expertise in strategy, competitiveness, social entrepreneurship and business models.


Applications are requested three weeks in advance to the program start date. Since qualified candidates are admitted on a rolling basis as per space availability, early admission is encouraged.

Admission is selective and based on professional achievement and organizational responsibility. No formal educational requirements apply. Executive Education programs enhance the leadership capacity of the participants as well as benefits their organizations in leveraging the new skills. The program expects full commitment from both. The participants are expected to dedicate sufficient time and efforts during the training. At the same time, sponsoring organizations are expected to relieve participants of their work responsibilities during the program.

The program fee covers tuition, books, case materials and meals. Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date. If admission is within 30 days before the start of the program, payment is due upon receipt of the invoice. The cancellation policies are outlined in the information provided to applicants upon admission.

Connect With Us

For more information, please contact our Client Services team at:

Executive Education Programs,

Institute for Competitiveness

U 24/8, DLF Phase 3, Gurgaon 122 002, Haryana, India,

Email:  info@competitiveness.in

Telephone:   +91 124 4376676

© 2025 Institute for Competitiveness, India


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