The videos showcases the experiences of people living in Varanasi who have started using Jio. Shubham Singh, Sunil Bharatiya, Rakesh Singh and Arun Kumar Apnakar express how Jio has impacted their lives in a positive manner.



Name: Shubham Singh
Job: Hotel Brija Rama on Ranamahal Ghat
Age: 26
Location: Dashaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi



Name: Sunil Bharatiya
Location: Dashaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi



Name: Rakesh Singh
Job: Photography on Ganga Ghat
Location: Dashaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi
Age: 25



Name: Aman Kumar Apnakar
Location: Dashaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi
Work: Fruit Shop
Age: 38

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