Insights: Global Economic Outlook
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Behtareen Shahar: Shaharon Ke Vikas Se Upji Chunautiyaan
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0
Special coverage on Indian cities published by India Today Hindi in the issue dated February 26, 2014.
Twenty Best Cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0
The City Competitiveness Report 2011 was covered by India Today Hindi in the issue dated January 25, 2012.
Slowdown may not last beyond 2-3 quarters
amitkapoor, , Interview, Media, News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor, Chair, Institute for Competitiveness opines that the current economic slowdown is a temporary one and the...
Gujarat wins Most Competitive State Award 2013
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, SCR, States, 0
The State Competitiveness Report is a joint effort by MintAsia, a publication of the Hindustan Times Group and the...
Ship Your Worries
amitkapoor, , Interview, News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views in the article titled “Ship Your Worries” published with Economic Times on September...
Economic Survey 2024-25 highlights skills mismatch; over 50% graduates, 40% postgraduates underemployed
amitkapoor, , News & Coverage, 0
Career 360 did a coverage on the Skill section of the Economic Survey 2024-25. The Skill section was contributed...
Smart cities not about sensors, they are about PPPP
amitkapoor, , Cities, Media, News & Coverage, Social Progress, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor’s coverage of the talk delivered at the Smart City Expo India held in Jaipur on September...
Skoch Economics Award
amitkapoor, , News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor was awarded the Skoch Economics Award at the 92nd Skoch Summit. The award was given by...