Insight: State of Economy
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Perspective: Analysis of Newspaper Stories with Senior Journalists & Commentators
amitkapoor, , News & Coverage, 0
Perspective shared by Amit Kapoor on Analysis of Newspaper Stories with Senior Journalists & Commentators on 14th June,...
Budget 2019
amitkapoor, , Budget, Media, News & Coverage, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his expert comments on Budget 2019 at ABP news Channel on February 1, 2019.
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad top three liveable Indian cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad have emerged as the top three liveable cities in India. Mumbai jumped two places and grabbed the numero uno position...
Competitiveness of India
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Capturing different moods of Dr. Amit Kapoor who shared his views at the University of Iceland on April 24,...
Best practices in change management
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at Management Confluence 2012 on November 24 in IIM Raipur, India IIM Raipur organizes Management...
Global Recession Fears: Real or Magnified
amitkapoor, , Media, Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his views on the program Global Recession Fear: Real or Magnified. The program was aired on...
Indian Economy: Opportunities & Challenges
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at Istanbul,Turkey on June 28, 2010.
Release of Social Progress Index of States
amitkapoor, , Media, News & Coverage, Social Progress, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor sharing his views on CNBC TV 18 on the release of Social Progress Index: States of...