India’s most competitive states 2013
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Budget 2016 may or may not meet expectations of the common man
amitkapoor, , Articles, India Council, 0
Commoners’ understanding and expectations are often very different from a purely economic and strategic understanding of the budget. For...
Kashmir’s 1991 moment
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
Kashmir’s 1991 moment The special status of Jammu & Kashmir has been revoked and the state has been bifurcated...
Graded measures, not knee-jerk reactions needed against air pollution
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
“Delhi is a wakeup call for the world on air pollution. It clearly tells us that unless decisive actions are...
Breaking the Resource Curse
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, India Council, 0
Breaking the Resource Curse India has an abundance of mineral deposits. The country is the second-largest producer of steel;...
Hindustan’s Economic Power and Competitiveness
amitkapoor, , competitiveness, News & Coverage, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on Hindustan’s Economic Power and Competitiveness on DBTV Channel on August 31, 2018.
Indian states must collectively envision their futures
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, Future of States, India Council, States, 0
India is a country of epic proportions and almost the size of a continent. The whole of Europe has lesser number of inhabitants than India but...
Raising the Curtain: Media Industry and the Changing Landscape
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0
The evolution of the television news is as important a milestone for humankind as was the postal system which...
Pune slips in livability index, reveals survey
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0
The latest survey by the Institute of Competitiveness reveals that Pune has dropped out of the top 10 cities...