Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Smart City Expo in Jaipur on September 26, 2018. The seeing titled “Driving the digital transformation of local governments” looked at how local governments are at the frontline of institutional action. Since they provide services that are critical to people everyday lives. This session is aimed at exploring how digital transformation can be a driver of change into designing and building more efficient local governments, and more responsive public services.

The mission of Smart City Expo India event is to showcase the innovation in the space of Smart Cities globally. The focus will be on the imperative need to empower cities and therefore to empower the people. We want to create a business platform for an exceptional discussion for everybody who is working to tackle similar urban challenges and generate opportunities for action.

It is an international conference where smart city experts and representatives from across the Globe will gather to discuss the solutions for the challenges that today’s cities are facing in terms of efficiency, urban planning, and social and economic development in the global era.

More details about the expo can be looked here , complete list of speakers can be looked here and detailed agenda can be looked here.

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