Discussion with experts Dr. Charan Singh, Eminent Economist & CEO, EGROW and Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness and Lecturer, Stanford University. The discussion was telecast on November 11, 2023 on DD News.

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Discussion with experts Dr. Charan Singh, Eminent Economist & CEO, EGROW and Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness and Lecturer, Stanford University. The discussion was telecast on November 11, 2023 on DD News.
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Institute for Competitiveness, India is the Indian knot in the global network of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. Institute for Competitiveness, India is an international initiative centered in India, dedicated to enlarging and purposeful disseminating of the body of research and knowledge on competition and strategy, as pioneered over the last 35 years by Professor Michael Porter of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School.
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