Dr. Amit Kapoor presented his views on DD News English on February 1, 2025. The complete session can be...
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Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on DD News Hindi before the budget was presented. The complete session cam...
Mennakshi Ajith, Development Policy Lead at Institute for Competitiveness spoke on the role of young scholars on Global Governance...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on WB & IMF give thumbs up to India’s economic growth | DD...
तीसरी आर्थिक महाशक्ति बनने की ओर अग्रसर भारत | World’s 3rd Largest Economy
amitkapoor, , Media, Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on तीसरी आर्थिक महाशक्ति बनने की ओर अग्रसर भारत | World’s 3rd Largest...
JOHANNESBURG – Africa has tonnes of high-demand natural resources. But, several obstacles are blocking its true export potential. Now, the The...
देश आज 78वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस मना रहा है. ऐसे में इस खास अवसर पर पीएम मोदी ने लाल किले...
Investment-friendly vision | How states will be ranked | NITI Aayog | Economic Brief
amitkapoor, , Media, Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on Economic Brief news program on “Investment-friendly vision-How states will be ranked” on...
Dr. Amit Kapoor was a part of the discussion on ” देश के 60 करोड़ लोगों को मिलेगा रोज़गार”...
Sheen Zutshi, Research Manager, Institute for Competitiveness on the podcast on “We need a Data Driven Skilling Strategy” hosted...
Dr. Kapoor formally joins the advisory board of Ahlers Center at University of San Diego
amitkapoor, , Media, News & Coverage, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor formally joins the advisory board of Ahlers Center at University of San Diego. The Ahlers Center...
Shereen Bhan speaks to India’s G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant & Amit Kapoor, Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness on their new...
Dr. Kapoor shared his views at the session on “Indian Economy Flying above the storm” telecast on DD news...
Dr. Kapoor shared his views on the program Global Recession Fear: Real or Magnified. The program was aired on...
The interview was published in Atmanirbhar Compendium which was launched by the Minister of Jal Shakti, Shri Gajendra Singh...
Dr. Amit Kapoor in an interaction with Mihir from Times Network on the “Impact of Covid 19 on Economy”....
Aspirational District Program: Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas Sabka Vishwas
amitkapoor, , ADP, Media, News & Coverage, Speaking, 0DD DIALOGUE| Aspirational District Program: Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas Sabka vishwas on November 20, 2020. Following Experts shared they...
IRM Interaction
amitkapoor, , Covid 19, IRM, Media, Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on the India Revival Mission on ET Now on April 28, 2020. India...
Culture Class Podcast with Chirag Yadav and Manisha Kapoor who are senior researchers at the Institute. They are 2...
Dr. Amit Kapoor, Chair, Institute for Competitiveness opines that the current economic slowdown is a temporary one and the...
India will be in top 3 countries in innovation in next 30 years
amitkapoor, , Future of States, Innovation, Interview, Media, News & Coverage, 0India in the next 30 years will be in the top three countries in innovation and will drive global...
Amit Kapoor and Ease of Living Index
amitkapoor, , Ease of Living, Interview, Media, News & Coverage, 0On the podcast, John talks with Amit Kapoor about how GDP is a poor measure of Human Well Being....
Innovation is today recognised as an important vehicle to the realise the goal of a New India. Accordingly, earlier...
Dr. Amit Kapoor was the Master of Ceremony for the launch of Astounding Bhagavad Gita, which comprised of 670 pages,...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his expert comments on Budget 2019 at ABP news Channel on February 1, 2019.
Smart cities not about sensors, they are about PPPP
amitkapoor, , Cities, Media, News & Coverage, Social Progress, Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor’s coverage of the talk delivered at the Smart City Expo India held in Jaipur on September...
More than a million people have been displaced from their homes in the Indian state of Kerala after...
Innovation-driven economy key to tackling inequalities
amitkapoor, , Innovation, Media, News & Coverage, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Economic Growth at the Back to Basics: The Role...
Dr. Amit Kapoor was a part of the panel discussion on Budget 2018-19 on FirstPost.com on February 1,...
Aaj Savera – Interaction with DD Anchor Nidhi Kumar
amitkapoor, , Cities, Interview, Media, News & Coverage, Shared Value, Social Progress, Strategy, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor in conversation with DD National Anchor Nidhi Kumar. The program was aired on January 8,...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his insights at the Global Economic Outlook series on December 13, 2017 on Lok...
Dr. Amit Kapoor sharing his views on the #SocialProgressIndex of States of India at the India Development Debate |...
Dr. Amit Kapoor sharing his views on CNBC TV 18 on the release of Social Progress Index: States of...
Insights shared by Amit Kapoor on Rising Foreign Investment on Lok Sabha TV on 20th June, 2017.