Impact of Pandemic declining on female labor force participation Until now, India was following an unusual trajectory of high...
Author Archive for: amitkapoor
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A Coming of Old Age Story All too often, India is spoken of as a young society and economy,...
Sabka Prayas: How the citizens can do their bit As India entered her 75th year of independence, the Honourable Prime Minister...
India’s elderly population: Fiscal challenges and opportunities Ample discussions surround the topic of India’s demographic dividend. The country is...
Elderly well-being: Index assesses India’s response to ageing
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Elderly, 0Elderly well-being: Index assesses India’s response to ageing As our lifestyles transform due to social, economic and other factors,...
Quality of Life for Elderly Index assesses well-being of India’s ageing population
amitkapoor, , Elderly, Press Release, 0EAC-PM “Quality of Life for Elderly Index assesses well-being of India’s ageing population” Posted On: 11 AUG 2021 2:25PM...
Index on Quality of Life for Elderly: State-Wise Analysis of the Well-Being of Our Elderly Population
amitkapoor, , Elderly, Press Release, 0Index on Quality of Life for Elderly: State-Wise Analysis of the Well-Being of Our Elderly Population New Delhi, Delhi,...
The Index on Quality of Life for Elderly 2021 represents a beginning in taking the first step in establishing...
The phenomenon of population ageing is inevitable. According to Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), India will have approximately...
NIPUN Bharat in the New (Ab)Normal The National Education Policy 2020 envisioned children with strong Foundational Literacy and Numeracy...
Regulating the gig economy In the recent past, the term “gig economy” has become a buzzword in the business...
The challenge with gig economy The gig economy has been a driving force in shaping the future of work....
It’s Time To Rethink Your Business Model The world is undergoing the fourth industrial revolution, where technological breakthroughs are...
The interview was published in Atmanirbhar Compendium which was launched by the Minister of Jal Shakti, Shri Gajendra Singh...
What is preventing businesses from beating competition?
amitkapoor, , Articles, Articles, Economic Times, Rendanheyi, 0What is preventing businesses from beating competition? In an age when businesses are constantly innovating, it is becoming even...
Addressing India’s mental health: We need to begin with adolescents
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0Addressing India’s mental health: We need to begin with adolescents The Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating on all fronts....
The recipe to aspirational districts’ steady progress India’s Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) is one of the most ambitious endeavours...
Stakeholder Consultation to promote Innovation in the eCommerce Sector Dr. Amit Kapoor conducted an online consultative workshop with various...
The peculiar case of India’s declining female labour force As economies around the world have grown and societies progressed,...
India’s vaccine development journey: A triumph of the collective
amitkapoor, , Articles, Covid 19, Economic Times, 0India’s vaccine development journey: A triumph of the collective Over a year and a half into the pandemic, India...
No Place for Women: What Drives India’s Ever-Declining Female Labour Force?
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0No Place for Women: What Drives India’s Ever-Declining Female Labour Force? In the last century, the world has witnessed...
The Alluring Twenties: What Would it Take to Replicate the 1920s?
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0The Alluring Twenties: What Would it Take to Replicate the 1920s? A year ago, prospects for the global economy...
The tragedy of UP and Bihar along the banks of Ganga Lasting for over a year now, the pandemic...
By the Ganges: The Death of Development in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0By the Ganges: The Death of Development in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Some of the most shocking and defining...
Post Covid Challenges for CEO’s: Globalization and Innovation in an Uncertain World
amitkapoor, , Covid 19, Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor was a panelist at the US – Asia CEO forum 2021. The forum had speakers from...
Family planning: The next step The world, including India, has made huge strides in developmental progress over the last...
India and the Elusive Demographic Dividend India has long been touted as the next big economic growth story after...
Dr. Kapoor was the speaker at the seminar series on Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries at Stanford University. The...
The Shrillness of Death The shrillness of death is hitting us in India. The death, the mayhem, the human catastrophe is...
A Plan for Family Planning Among the several revolutionary changes that have transformed the world over the last few...
Municipal Performance: Towards strengthening local governance in cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, MPI, MPI2020, 0Municipal Performance: Towards strengthening local governance in cities Even though municipalities have always been important determinants of citizens’ wellbeing,...
Post the Black Swan event of COVID-19 in 2020, there is little doubt that 2021 becomes a critical year...
Good Mandate, Unintended Repercussions Amit Kapoor & Rameesh Kailasam India has been witnessing a massive surge in digital payments...
Adopt Sub Federalism as a means to transform Urban Governance
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Ease of Living, EOLIndex 2020, MPI, MPI2020, 0Adopt Sub Federalism as a means to transform Urban Governance Back in 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had shared...
Labour in Post-Pandemic India As the COVID-19 vaccination drive gains momentum in India, the health crisis of the pandemic...
Municipal Performance Index 2020: Putting ULBs at the centre of urban development
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Cities, MPI, MPI2020, 0Municipal Performance Index 2020: Putting ULBs at the centre of urban development Since the 74th Amendment Act gave constitutional recognition...
Dr. Amit Kapoor in an interaction with Mihir from Times Network on the “Impact of Covid 19 on Economy”....
A step forward in urban governance
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Economic Times, EOLIndex 2020, Press Release 2020, Report 2020, 0The findings from the Municipal Performance Index also reveal that the Finance vertical is highly correlated with the Governance...
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) announces the rankings for Ease of Living Index 2020 and the Municipal Performance Index 2020
amitkapoor, , EOLIndex 2020, MPI2020, Press Release, Press Release 2020, 0Bengaluru and Shimla best cities in Ease of Living Index 2020 in India; Indore and NDMC leading municipalities: Ministry...
A vast majority of the world’s population resides in urban areas. It is believed that there has been an...
The swift pace of urban expansion brings the promise of immense economic growth. It is estimated that Asia, and...
Biotech Investment Potential for Indian States Report by IFC released at Global Bio-India 2021
amitkapoor, , Press Release, 0The potential of biotech innovation ecosystem and its rapid growth have been well recognized as the key contributors to...
Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Smart Cities Mission will release the results of Ease of Living (EoL) and Municipal Performance Index (MPI) Indices 2020...
Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs; Minister of State (Independent Charge) of...
Mission Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Over the last few years, the Government of...
Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness India’s population demography has witnessed a marked shift from a predominantly rural population to...
Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Projections reveal that over 60 crore people i.e. 40% of total population are expected to live in urban areas by 2030. This...
Minister of (State) Housing and Urban Affairs India’s steady economic growth is reflected in the rapid expansion of her...
Mission Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs India’s journey as a young, vibrant nation has...
Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness Economic growth is intricately linked with urbanisation. Studies show that nearly all countries that...
The report analyses the investment potential that lies within the state-specific biotechnology sector. By establishing a framework and through a thorough...
Fostering inter-ministerial strategic partnership to promote adolescent development
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor was a part of the Roundtable discussion on “Fostering inter-ministerial strategic partnership to promote adolescent development”...
Realising Investment Potential For Indian State-Specific Biotech Industries: Appendix
amitkapoor, , Report, 0The cluster definitions for the Biotech Industry have been created using the 5 digit level of NIC 2008 codes.
Re-imagining governance with Aspirational Districts Programme
amitkapoor, , ADP, Arthashastra, Articles, 0Re-imagining governance with Aspirational Districts Programme In over seven decades of its democratic journey, India has progressed by leaps...
How Aspirational Districts Programme forged new path in governance
amitkapoor, , ADP, Articles, Economic Times, 0How Aspirational Districts Programme forged new path in governance The Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) has been changing the landscape...
DMEO, NITI Aayog partners with IFC to bolster monitoring and evaluation
amitkapoor, , Announcements, News & Coverage, Press Release, 0DMEO, NITI Aayog partners with IFC to bolster monitoring and evaluation Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), NITI Aayog and Institute for...
Assessing India’s Gender Budget This year’s Union Budget has been one of the most anticipated budgets, given the disastrous...
Why India’s Education Investment Should Prioritise Secondary Education
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Education, 0Why India’s Education Investment Should Prioritise Secondary Education To optimally leverage education for achieving the desired results, policymakers need...
Improving India’s Competitiveness for Inclusive Economic Growth
amitkapoor, , competitiveness, Speaking, 0CUTS International will be organising a series of webinars in January to March, 2021, to deliberate on issues and...
The spillover effects of higher public investment would see a boost in demand, generate employment and develop the economy’s...
Leveraging Innovation in a Post-COVID World
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, Index 2020, Innovation, 0Leveraging Innovation in a Post-COVID World Necessity drives innovation. The need for transport led to the invention of the...
Creating organizational agility in a post-pandemic market
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Covid 19, 0Creating organizational agility in a post-pandemic market The onset of the fourth industrial revolution has brought with it the...
NITI Aayog Releases Second Edition of India Innovation Index
amitkapoor, , Index 2020, Innovation, Press Release, Press Release 2020, 0Overall Delhi Tops the List, Chandigarh Major Gainer, Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh Lead in Their Respective Categories NITI Aayog,...
The India Innovation Index 2020 was released by the NITI Aayog with Institute for Competitiveness as the knowledge partner....
The report was released by Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice-Chairman, NITI Aayog in the presence of Shri Amitabh Kant, Chief...
Chair, Institute for Competitiveness Over the last decade, India has laid a policy emphasis on innovation as a growth...
NITI Aayog to Launch Second Edition of India Innovation Index 2020
amitkapoor, , Press Release 2020, 0Pre Event Press Brief NITI Aayog will release the second edition of the India Innovation Index 2020 on 20...
Adviser (S&T), NITI Aayog In 2019, NITI Aayog, in collaboration with the Institute for Competitiveness, had embarked upon a...
Member, NITI Aayog The rich cultural history of the Indian Subcontinent is dotted with illustrative instances of a dynamic...
CEO, NITI Aayog Innovation is at the forefront of India’s “Make in India” and “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” initiatives. The aim...
Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the significance of innovation is...
The Curious Case of Investment in Education There are numerous benefits of investment in education. It can reduce poverty,...
The Global Economy in the New Decade Economic upheavals in modern global history have often been succeeded by promising...
Building agile organisations in times of uncertainty
amitkapoor, , Articles, Articles, Economic Times, Rendanheyi, 0Building agile organisations in times of uncertainty The COVID-19 pandemic has redefined “uncertainty”. Organizations around the world were not...
Dr. Amit Kapoor moderated the session at an online webinar on “A movement towards Atmanirbhar Bharat: Competitiveness and Manufacturing...
Role of technology in tackling corruption After years of efforts to eliminate corruption, whether through policy interventions or through...
Self-sufficiency in PPE manufacturing paves the way for indigenous industries
amitkapoor, , PPE, Press Release, 0News Release: Institute for Competitiveness Self-sufficiency in PPE manufacturing paves the way for indigenous industries In 60 days, India developed...
How technology makes it possible to solve corruption As the world observes International Anti-Corruption Day today, it serves as...
India’s Aspirational Districts Programme Focuses Governance Efforts On Development
amitkapoor, , ADP, Articles, 0India’s Aspirational Districts Programme Focuses Governance Efforts On Development By Amit Kapoor, Michael Green, Mark Esposito and Chirag Yadav...
A Case for Investing in Adolescents The fallout of the pandemic for adolescents amplifies the urgency. The time is...
This was a virtual discussion on how IP protections have been key to addressing the current pandemic as well...
Dr. Amit Kapoor in this Productivity Talk will explore the need for and importance of innovation in generating consistent...
The major urban development programmes being implemented are Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), Swachh Bharat Mission...
India’s urbanization challenges and way forward India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and its...
Dr. Kapoor shared his thoughts at a session on Navigating the way forward post Covid-19 at the Big Conclave...
Dr. Kapoor was part of the panel discussion at an online workshop on Fostering Productivity and Innovation in Services Sector...
Dr Kapoor participated in a online workshop on Higher Research Quality and Productivity organised on November 23, 2020. The...
BTS Conference this year with the theme “Next is Now” will do crystal-ball gazing of the world in the...
Aspirational District Program: Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas Sabka Vishwas
amitkapoor, , ADP, Media, News & Coverage, Speaking, 0DD DIALOGUE| Aspirational District Program: Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas Sabka vishwas on November 20, 2020. Following Experts shared they...
US Election and America’s Deep Divide The high-stakes US election that concluded with the victory of Democrat candidate Joe Bidenyet...
US election, another spectacle of polarized democracy
amitkapoor, , Articles, Democracy, Economic Times, 0US election, another spectacle of polarized democracy If we set aside the mayhem that followed after, the highly anticipated...
District Development, Data, and Diversity: Lessons and the Way Forward
amitkapoor, , ADP, Covid 19, Speaking, 0The focus of the Government of India on Regional Development and especially Districts (around 700 in number) has been...
Google’s Tryst with Antitrust Cases: Lessons for Innovation
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0Google’s Tryst with Antitrust Cases: Lessons for Innovation Over the last few years, the Big Tech firms have been...
The webinar was organised by Institute for Competitiveness, Thinkers, Thinkers50 and Menlo college on October 26, 2020. The webinar...
How India Became Self-Sufficient In PPE India was able to realise the vision of AatmaNirbhar Bharat, of not only...
Lessons from the Bangladesh Growth Story The International Monetary Fund released the biannual World Economic Outlook this month with...
In order to have a complete control over the end-to-end manufacturing value chain for essential medical supplies and to...
In the backdrop of the rising shift towards authoritarian and populist leaders across global democracies, Dr. Kapoor discussed the...