Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his ideas at the ABP Best City Awards 2014 on March 11 at The Lalit Barakhamba,...
Author Archive for: amitkapoor
contact us at +91 124 437 6676 info@competitiveness.in
Remove cumbersome regulations to limit bureaucratic corruption
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, 0We as citizens of the country need to understand and appreciate that two forms of corruption pervades our public...
Understanding the key characteristics of an embedded business model for the base of the pyramid markets
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0The objective of the article is to understand the significance and key characteristics of the socially embedded business model...
Behtareen Shahar: Shaharon Ke Vikas Se Upji Chunautiyaan
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0Special coverage on Indian cities published by India Today Hindi in the issue dated February 26, 2014.
Institute for Competitiveness, India Establishes the India Council on Competitiveness in India in Collaboration with the U.S. Council on Competitiveness
amitkapoor, , India Council, Press Release, Press Release, 0Institute for Competitiveness, India Establishes the India Council on Competitiveness in India in Collaboration with the U.S. Council on...
States in India Assessed and Ranked According to Different Stages of Development on Manufacturing Competitiveness Index 2014
amitkapoor, , Manufacturing, MCR, Press Release, 0States in India Assessed and Ranked According to Different Stages of Development on Manufacturing Competitiveness Index 2014 Highlights: Manufacturing...
Secondary cities are important to their regions as hubs of administrative power, concentrations of industry, as service centres or...
The City Competitiveness Report 2013 was covered by Business World dated January 27, 2014.
Dr. Amit Kapoor expressed his views at the 7th Annual Global Competitiveness Forum on January 18-21, 2014 at Riyadh, Saudia Arabia. In...
The article was published with Hindustan Times on January 10, 2014.
Diversey in India: The Growth Challenges and Options (Harvard Business Publishing)
amitkapoor, , Cases, 0The case study was published in Harvard Business Publishing and authored by Amit Kapoor & Sandeep Goyal. To purchase...
The case study was published in Ivey Publishing and authored by Amit Kapoor & Sandeep Goyal Issues: Business models; industry...
India’s 20 most livable cities, Mumbai is No 1
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0Mumbai has been ranked as the most liveable city in India. The city has jumped two places to grab...
Hyderabad third most liveable in India
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0Hyderabad dropped a place and was ranked the third best city to live in the country, states a new...
Pune slips in livability index, reveals survey
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0The latest survey by the Institute of Competitiveness reveals that Pune has dropped out of the top 10 cities...
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad are the Top Three Liveable Cities in the Country According to the “Liveability Index 2013”Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad are the Top Three Liveable Cities in the Country According to the “Liveability Index 2013”
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0Highlights — Mumbai jumps two places and grabs the numero uno position on the Liveability index 2013 analyzed by the Institute...
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad are the Top Three Liveable Cities in the Country According to the “Liveability Index 2013”
amitkapoor, , Cities, Liveability, Press Release, 0Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad are the Top Three Liveable Cities in the Country According to the “Liveability Index 2013”...
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad top three liveable Indian cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad have emerged as the top three liveable cities in India. Mumbai jumped two places and grabbed the numero uno position...
New Delhi falls 12 places and Chennai emerges as the most liveable city in the country according to the “Liveability Index 2012”
amitkapoor, , Cities, Liveability, Press Release, 0New Delhi falls 12 places and Chennai emerges as the most liveable city in the country according to the...
Is your city among India’s 28 most competitive?
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0Many cities across India, especially the major ones, are laying out policies that attract best talent and most business....
Similar to the previous years, India City Competitiveness Report 2013 in its Sixth edition evaluates the 50 Indian cities....
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the CII Conference on Smart Urban Hubs – Solutions for the Changing Urban...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Conference on Women Empowerment: Bringing Women to the Boardrooms on December 17, 2013...
Financial Inclusion: Barter to Bitcoins, Bricks and Mortar to Mobile – Developing 21st Century Financial Services Solutions for the Unbanked Poor
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0Financial Inclusion: Barter to Bitcoins, Bricks and Mortar to Mobile – Developing 21st Century Financial Services Solutions for the Unbanked...
Gujarat wins Most Competitive State Award 2013
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, SCR, States, 0The State Competitiveness Report is a joint effort by MintAsia, a publication of the Hindustan Times Group and the...
The India Competitiveness Report envisages and looks holistically at the competitiveness of India. While care has been taken to...
The India City Competitiveness 2013 report evaluates the competitiveness level of 50 Indian cities, which are the building blocks...
Linking up: inclusive business models for access to energy solutions at base of the pyramid in India
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0The purpose of this research study is to undertake an in-depth analysis of three such social business ventures in...
Porter Prize recognizes the Strategic Acumen of Corporates in India
amitkapoor, , Porter Prize, Press Release, Press Release, 0Porter Prize recognizes the Strategic Acumen of Corporates in India Indian Corporates celebrates of Strategy & Competitiveness New Delhi,...
From Left to Right: Himanshu Jain, MD & VP-Indian Subcontinent, Sealed Air; Anil Padmanabhan, Deputy Managing Editor, Mint; Nadir...
Emaar MGF Presents the Porter Prize India 2013
amitkapoor, , Porter Prize, Press Release, Press Release, 0Emaar MGF Presents the Porter Prize India 2013 Wednesday, October 9, 2013 1:16PM IST (7:46AM GMT) The Porter Prize...
The case study was published in Ivey Publishing and was authored by Amit Kapoor, Sandeep Goyal & MP Jaiswal....
Dr. Amit Kapoor sharing his views at the National HRD Network, National Youth Conference: “Energizing for Excellence” on September 14, 2013...
Liveability index 2013 connotes to the methodical assessment of the significant drivers of livability in Indian cities. The index...
India is a land of opposites. At one end of the spectrum some of the biggest tycoons thrive on...
India’s Most Competitive States 2013
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, Press Release, SCR, States, 0Indian vice-president Hamid Ansari summed up how important it is for the country to bridge the disparities between various...
India’s most competitive states: Maharashtra beats Gujarat
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, SCR, States, 0What makes India a competitive nation? Well, India’s diverse and dynamic states contribute towards making India an economic power. A...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at 2013 IHS Day APAC Summit on July 25, 2013 Taj Palace Hotel, New at New...
Still on Top, Delhi ranks 1st again in the city category on the State Competitiveness Report 2013,released by Institute for Competitiveness, India
amitkapoor, , Press Release, SCR, States, 0New Delhi, 23rd July 2013 – Delhi secured the top spot once again in the city category, in the India...
Delhi among highly competitive states, says report
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, SCR, States, 0Delhi is one of the most competitive states in India because of its communications facilities, easy administrative environment, physical...
Dr. Amit Kapoor addressing the students at Harvard University on July 2, 2013.
Dr. Amit Kapoor addressing the students at Harvard University on July 1, 2013.
The Most Competitive State Awards 2013 were based on the State Competitiveness Report 2013. The awards were a joint...
Dr. Amit Kapoor addressed the participants at the Academic Leadership Academy on June 26, 2013 at Pennsylvania State University, USA. Each year’s...
Dr. Amit Kapoor made a presentation at a Seminar: Opportunities in India on June 13, 2013 at Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantz gate 7,...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at a Seminar organized by Planning Commission along with the Ministry of HRD...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the World Children Expo on May 17, 2013 at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon.
Dr. Amit Kapoor on BBC World Service Radio on May 17, 2013 on latest edition of “Your Money” from Delhi.
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at “Driving Innovation to advance access to healthcare: Challenges and way forward for...
The case study was published in Harvard Business Publishing and was authored by Amit Kapoor, Sandeep Goyal & MP...
The report analyzes the business model of a selected list of those business development service (BDS) providers in...
Delhi takes top spot in the Creativity Index Report 2013
amitkapoor, , Cities, Creative Economy of Cities, 0Creative Index measures Tolerance, Technology & Talent, the 3Ts of economic development The first report on the Creative economy...
This report measures the Creativity Index which is a combination of regional levels of Technology, Tal- ent, and Tolerance...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Indian Education Congress 2013; 3rd National Convention & Awards on Business of...
Dr. Amit Kapoor participated in a Workshop on Urbanization, Sustainability, Resilience, and Prosperity: Towards a New Global Research Agenda...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Anti-Corruption Workshop on India (A World Economic Forum initiative in association...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Conference on ‘Corporate Governance and Business Responsiblity’ on April 8, 2013 at Observer Research...
Extrusion Processing – Technology, Applications and Business Development for the Indian Food and Feed Market
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0Dr. Amit Kapoor delivered a keynote at A Short Course by National Institute of Food Technology and Entrepreneurship Management...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the First Indiafrica Workshop on April 4, 2013 at Young India Fellowship Campus, Sri Aurobindo...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at an International workshop – The (Mis)Fortune of Frugal Innovation on March 28-29, 2013...
Dr. Amit Kapoor conducted a workshop on March 24-29, 2013 at Grenoble Graduate School of Business One week intensive program was...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Annual Session & Panel Discussion on March 15, 2013 at Gurgaon. The...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the 4th Lean Six Sigma Summit: “Building to Last through Lean Six Sigma“on March...
The core idea of strategy is to provide an overarching view on how a particular firm is going to...
This report sheds light on competitiveness and prosperity of India’s 50 most competitive cities. The analysis pursues a creative...
This is the age not of information but of networked intelligence, collaboration and participation Don Tapscott, ranked 9 on...
Rampant and random diversification isn’t strategy Groups like Tata, Godrej, Mahindra have businesses running across the spectrum of industries...
India Today Hindi: Real Estate Special
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0The Liveability Report 2012 was covered by India Today Hindi on February 13, 2013.
Dr. Amit Kapoor in a chat session with the students organized by Careers 360 B-School on February 6, 2013. Using...
Dr. Amit Kapoor participated in the Round Table Discussion on February 1, 2013 at Claridges, New Delhi. People from India: Dr....
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at a Panel Discussion at India Habitat Centre on January 31, 2013
Academic Paper published in International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2013 – Vol. 6, No.1 pp. 4-21 by...
Academic Paper published in International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2013 – Vol. 6, No.1 pp. 22-39 by...
“The government’s policies in areas such as infrastructure, interest rates, fiscal deficit and inflation have not yielded the...
Dr. Amit Kapoor moderated the session at CII Conference Hall on January 16, 2013.
Dr. Amit Kapoor delivered a keynote at Entrepreneurs Organization, Bahrain on January 14, 2013.
The article was published with Financial Express on January 12, 2013
Dr. Amit Kapoor participated in the Round Table Discussion on January 10, 2013.
Technology, talent and tolerance are the 3 Ts of economic development that work in tandem to create prosperity that...
The world is evolving rapidly and so is the entire spectrum of receiving and imparting knowledge The internet boom has...
Can capitalism help build communities just as it makes profits Looking at the Indian Premier League (IPL) purely as...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Global Health Delivery Case Discussion on December 21, 2012 at Public...
A joint project of Harvard Business School’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Medical School’s Department of Global Health...
An Indian Faculty, Dr. Amit Kapoor, Inducted in the Prestigious Harvard Business School Hall of Fame
amitkapoor, , Announcements, News & Coverage, 0An Indian Faculty, Dr. Amit Kapoor, Inducted in the Prestigious Harvard Business School Hall of Fame Boston, United States...
New Delhi successfully grabs the numerouno position of most sustainable state in India for the second time according to the “Sustainable Competitiveness Report 2012”
amitkapoor, , Cities, Press Release, Sustainability, 0New Delhi successfully grabs the numerouno position of most sustainable state in India for the second time according to...
India being a developing country is always encircled by the question of sustainable growth. Even though the sustainable growth...
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at Management Confluence 2012 on November 24 in IIM Raipur, India IIM Raipur organizes Management...
Dr. Amit Kapoor expressed his views at Trends in Industrial Innovation Policy on November 20, 2012 in New Delhi, India
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on Trends in Industrial Innovation Policy on November 20, 2012 in New Delhi.
Role of Policy in enhancing Manufacturing Competitiveness of India
amitkapoor, , Articles, Manufacturing, 0The paper was published in Capturing Value in International Manufacturing and Supply Networks, Cambridge
Dr. Amit Kapoor at the World Economic Forum on November 6, 2012 in Gurgaon.
Dr. Amit Kapoor at the World Economic Forum on November 6, 2012 in Gurgaon.
With growing prosperity in India, an increasing number of people can now afford their own private vehicles. Public transport...
The Liveability Index 2012 presents a true picture of the living conditions in India’s 50 cities. The framework used...
Innovative Indian companies like RangDe and A Little World are using technology to create solutions for financial inclusion Joseph...
The article was published in The Financial Express on September 29, 2012.
Michael E. Porter addressed the Indian corporates in the prestigious Porter Prize 2012 awards held in Gurgaon, India
amitkapoor, , Porter Prize, Press Release, Press Release, 0Michael E. Porter addressed the Indian corporates in the prestigious Porter Prize 2012 awards held in Gurgaon, India New...
“RangDe has been able to reduce the cost of micro-credit for the borrower from 13.5-20% to 6-10%” Joseph Schumpeter’s...