The report was unveiled at the Global Bio India 2019 organised by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India and it’s Public Sector Undertaking, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) from November 21-23 in New Delhi.

The study analyses the Indian Biotechnology landscape and provides a roadmap for its future. It starts by projecting the size of the biotechnology sector to get an idea about the rate of growth that is required to make it a $100 billion industry by 2025. It goes on to understand the role played by the government and the private sector in the current growth trajectory of the sector. The study then examines the strengths and weaknesses of the Indian industry by using the Diamond Model. This includes an in-depth understanding of the current Indian biotechnology ecosystem including the investment attractiveness capability, the IP regime, and industry-academia linkages. 

It then moves on to understand India’s position vis-à-vis other emerging and developing biotech economies by calculating a Biotechnology Competitiveness Index. The index is based on three pillars, i.e. Enablers, Facilitators and Performance that would effectively point out the input-output relation in their respective Biotech industries. The indicators will be able to cover all the aspects of the global biotech industry and therefore will provide a clear picture about every country’s individual performances. Based on these frameworks, the report provides a roadmap for the future. 

The detailed agenda can be looked here. The complete list of speakers can be looked here.

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Assessment of Indian Biotechnology Landscape

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