Competitiveness – Economic Development, Prosperity and Creating Shared Value
Capitalism is an idea that has stood the test of time, but along the way it has changed dramatically. It is an idea which has not changed continuously but in a series of discontinuous leaps. We are in the midst of one such discontinuous transition wherein the world economies are grappling with slow down and recon guration. e world economy would be driven by the growth of Asia.
The challenge for tomorrow would be to look at Economic Development that is just, humane and inclusive. e idea that would be driving the world tomorrow would be creating shared value.
This year’s Asia Competitiveness Forum center’s on three pillars of Competitiveness i.e. Economic Development, Prosperity and Shared Value Creation.
- Meeting place for Practitioners and Researchers working in the eld of Competitiveness, Clusters and Economic Development
- An opportunity to enhance prosperity by initiating a dialogue on unique Business Models, Cluster Competitiveness and Shared Value Creation
- A place to discuss current thinking and future challenges in the eld of Public Policy, Social Business, Clusters and Competitiveness
- People who want to learn more about Competitiveness in this changing scenario should attend the Forum. ese would include:
- Business Promoters, Entrepreneurs and Top Management Functionaries from Large-Medium-Small Enterprises, Global Corporate Entities, Heads of Government Departments, Institutions, Ministries and Support Groups committed to Trade, Commerce, Industry, Business, Innovation and Investment Climate Representatives
- Economic Development O cials, Academicians, Practitioners, Consultants, Analysts, Students and ink Tank Representatives z Venture Investors, FDI Originators
Theme span
The Forum will be designed as a combination of academic presentations and practical knowledge involving interactive sessions (workshops, open space sessions etc.). e broad areas for the Forum include Economic Development, Prosperity and Creating Shared Value.
The Challenge of Disparity, Equitable Distribution of Wealth, Clusters as tool for Wealth Creation
The Challenge of Reconfiguration of World Economy, Regional and Urban Competitiveness, the Location Idea, Asia as driver of World Economy
The Role of Business in Society, Bottom of the Pyramid Business Models, The Cooperative Experience
Open Call for Papers and Presentations
Business and Cluster practitioners around the world are invited to submit proposals for presentations on the central theme of the Forum. The Forum will include sessions where ideas and processes examining Clusters and Competitiveness are to be presented. You can contribute by presenting new ideas and practical solutions for your fellow practitioners managing change, transition and other challenges in developing Sustainable Competitiveness and Creating Shared Value.
- The proposed presentations should consist of a cover page and an abstract.
- The cover page should contain: Title of the presentation, full name and title (Mr., Mrs., Dr., Professor etc.), name of the organization/company, country, job title, a brief CV of not more than 200 words, contact email address and telephone number
- The abstract should cover the core theme of the Forum and should be no longer than 1000 words. We specially encourage young practitioners to submit an abstract
- CV’s and abstracts must be emailed to: submissions@competitiveness.in
15th March: Submission of abstracts
23rd March: Notification for selected abstracts
The forum would have the following sessions:
- Experts’ Meeting on Skills and Employment Strategies for Competitiveness in India Organized within the framework of the OECD ESSSA Initiative, ILO
- State of Urban Mobility in India in association with SMART , University of Michigan
- Serving MSME, Serving India- Business Model Innovations for Service Delivery in association with GIZ
- 15 Registrations are open for Doctoral candidates and Young Faculty
April 26, 2012
Inaugural Session
Asia as a driver for world economy: Dividend, Aging, Prosperity, Growth Engine, Value, Arbitrage, and Changing Role of Capitalism
- Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness (Opening Remarks)
- Ganesh Lakshminarayanan, CEO, Dell
- Sunand Sharma, CEO, Alstom
Moderated by Rohit Bansal, CEO, India Strategy Group
Economic Development, Competitiveness & Shared Value
Manufacturing Competitiveness: Multiplier effect, next paradigm of growth for India, employment generation
- Ganesh Guruswamy, Country Director, Freescale
- Renu Parmar, Planning Commission, GOI
- Siraj Chaudhry, MD, Cargill
- Himanshu Jain, VP-South Asia, Sealed Air
Moderated by Sandeep Singh, CEO, Remorphing
The Role of Business in Society: Shared Value, Economic Objectives, Social Objectives, and Philanthropy et al (In Association with FSG)
- Smita Mankad, Head, SRCs, FabIndia
- Anirban Roy, Country Director, Arogya Parivar (Norvatis)
- Siva Nagarajan, MD, Mother Dairy
Moderated by Lalitha Vaidyanathan, MD, FSG (Moderator)
Energize the BOP – Business Models for Low-Income (In Association with GIZ, endeva, CII-ITC)
Welcome notes and short introduction to work of GIZ India (SME Team and Energy) and CII
Round of introductions including elevator pitches: Presentation of participants’ specific business ideas
Introduction to Energy Business Model Generator: Presentation of research and use of tool “Energy Business Model Generator”
Developing the Customer Interface: Sales, Payments, Service, End of Use
Lunch - 13:00 - 14:00
Clusters as a tool for wealth creation: Emergence of clusters in India, Productivity, Diffusion, Innovation, Seeding Clusters, Trade, Cluster Portfolio, Specialization Patterns, Technology Clusters, Cluster Composition, Internationalization
- Luis Lueder, Head of Operations, European Business Technology Center
- Rajveer Singh, MD, Cluster Kraft
- Tamal Sarkar, MSME Foundation
- Mark McCord, Member, Deloitte, USA
Moderated by Mohit Satyanand, Director, Inlingua
Regional Competitiveness & Process of Economic Development: Provinces, Vision, Value Proposition, Competition within States, Business Environment, Strategy, Sustainability, Stages of Competitive Development
- Harpal Singh, Chairman, Fortis Health Care
- Ravi Saroop, Ministry of Finance, GOI
- Paul Schuttenbelt, South Asia Coordinator, CDIA ADB
- Ajay Gupta, VP-Marketing & Strategy, Ericsson India
- Robert Polk, R.C. Polk & Associates – Mobility Collaborators
Moderated by Amitabh Thakur, Fellow, Institute for Competitiveness & MD, India Edge Advisors
Developing the Customer Interface: Sales, Payments, Service, End of Use PART 2
Business Development: Managing Market Understanding, Product, Finance and Human Resources from Design to Implementation and Growth
Presentation of business models and business development ideas
Next steps, feedback and farewell
April 27, 2012
Opening Remarks
- Shri Narendra Jadhav, Member Planning Commission, GOI
- Sergio Arzeni, Director for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development, OECD
- R K Mathur, Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI
- Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness
Skills Strategies for Inclusive Development & Competitiveness (In Association with OECD LEED, NSDC)
Fostering the Dynamics of Skills, Employment and Infrastructure Development
- Dr. Ashok Sahu, Principal Advisor, Planning Commission (Session Chair)
- Sunita Sanghi, Adviser, Planning Commission, Government of India
- Tomonori SUDO, Expert, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Tonmoy Shingal, COO & Co-Founder Mettl
Innovation in Skills Development and Skills Management that reach SME
- Dr. Cristina Martinez- Fernandez, Senior Policy Analyst & Manager OECD ESSSA Initiative OECD CFE LEED Programme (Session Chair)
- Lokesh Mehra, Director- Education Advocacy, Microsoft
- Amitabh Thakur, Fellow, Institute for Competitiveness
- Deepak Bharara, Corporate Director, HR, Lanco
- Sandeep Singh, CEO, Remorphing
Serving MSME, Serving India – Business Model Innovations for Service Delivery (In Association with GIZ, MSME & FICCI)
Welcome and Ice Breaker
Phase 1: Setting the Stage
- Opening Thoughts & Ideas (10 mins)
- Discussion of Session Purpose and Instructions (10 min)
- Business Model Presentations (10 min)
- Brainstorming – Overall Constraints for BDS providers in SME business (20 min)
Phase 2: Assessment
- Explanation of Assessment Phase and Instructions (10 min)
- Self – Assessment (40 min)
- BDS Providers Presentation (15 min)
- Comparative Analysis (15 min)
Phase 3: Identification
- Participants identify the top five issues affecting their business model (10 min)
- Participants prioritize five steps that they will take to ensure they have an innovative and effective business model (10 min)
- BDS Provider Presentations (15 min)
Recommendations and Wrap up
- Identification of low hanging fruits (15 mins)
- Discussion of next steps + Recommendations (15 mins)
- Feedback Form
Energize the BOP – Business Models for Low-Income (In Association with GIZ)
Networking and opportunity to meet the potential investors
Lunch - 13:00 - 14:30
Skills Strategies for Inclusive Development & Competitiveness (In Association with OECD LEED, NSDC)
Strategies for Job Creation, Skills Development and Social Protection
- Robert Strauss, Head of Employment Analysis, European Commission; Chair of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance (Session Chair)
- Sher Verick, Employment Specialist, ILO
- Dr. Sudhir Kapur, MD & CEO, Country Strategy Business Consultants
- Sachin Sandhir, MD, RICS South Asia
Towards an Inclusive Model of Skills Development in Asia
- Gauri Gupta, NSDC (Session Chair)
- Paul Comyn, Senior Vocal Training Skills Development Specialist, ILO
- Dr. Srikanta K. Panigrahi, Expert Member, National Strategic Knowledge Mission on Climate Change
- Sushil Ramola, CEO & MD, Basix
- Shanti Jagannathan, Senior Education Specialist, ADB
- Paul Blumquist, World Bank
Concluding Remarks
- Sergio Arzeni, Director for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development, OECD
- Paul Comyn, Senior Vocal Training Skills Development Specialist, ILO
- Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness
Thought Leadership Track
- DNS Kumar – “Public Private Partnership & Competitiveness”
- Mark McCord – “Building effective Business models in Emerging Markets”
- Dr. Pallavi Modi & Dr. Anil Vaidya – “Indeco social Framework
- Rauli Sorvari, Educluster, Finland – “Learning Region Platform for Competitiveness, Innovations & Clusters”
- Robert Polk – “Public Transport and Transport Management”
- Neha Jain – “Innovative Marketing Strategies and Web Management”
- Indranil Roy Chowdhury – “Adoption of Technology Facilitated Service – Study of Business Correspondent Banking”
R K Mathur

Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI
Dr. Ashok Sahu

Principal Advisor, Planning Commission
Dr. Cristina Martinez- Fernandez

Senior Policy Analyst & Manager OECD ESSSA Initiative OECD CFE LEED Programme